Welcome to the KCAI Underground Online Store!
- Posted on
- By Jennifer Boe
- Posted in ArtCommunity, ArtEducation, ArtMerchandise, ArtStoreOnline, ArtSupplies, CreativeSupplies, CreativeTools, KCAI, KCAIShop, KCAIStudents, KCAIUnderground, KeepCreating, ShopLocal, SupportArtists, SupportLocalArt

The KCAI Underground is excited to announce our new online store, making it easier than ever to access art supplies. For 75 years, we've supported KCAI students, faculty, and alumni, and now you can shop from anywhere. Explore our curated selection of art supplies, exclusive merchandise, and locally sourced items—all supporting KCAI programs and students. Start shopping now and keep creativity flowing!